Confessionality and University in the Modern World

Welcome to the
– 20th Anniversary of “Károli” University conference!
“Károli” University was founded by the General Assembly of the Reformed Church in Hungary in 1993. In establishing our University, the General Assembly remained true to the fundamental truths as revealed in the Scriptures, as well as to its heritage, and voted to continue these traditions for the benefit of our nation. Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
in Hungary is proud of guaranteeing educational facilities for students and assisting in the development of their academic potential; following in the footsteps of many centuries
of Reformed and Hungarian higher education. This conference is an opportunity to reflect upon the great achievements made in the field of academic programs in the past 20 years and take
a look into the future opportunities.
We hope you will find this program an inspirational and truly memorable event dedicated
to the anniversary.
Confessionality and University in the Modern World

10.00 Opening greetings 60 min.
Rector of Károli University, Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Church in Hungary,
Rectors of other church related universities
11.00 Opening of the Christian Universities panel 60 min.
Dr. Enikő Sepsi Dean of the Faculty of Humanities KRE, Hungary
11.15 – 13.15 FIRST SESSION Chair: Prof. Dr. Tibor Fabiny
11.15 Christian (Protestant and Catholic) Universities in North America: 45+15 min.
Past Present and Future
Jeff Boumann Director of the Service-Learning Center Calvin College, USA
12.15 The Rebirth of Protestant Universities in Eastern Europe 45+15 min.
After the Fall of Communism
Perry L. Glanzer Professor Baylor University, USA
13.15 LUNCH offered (break) 60 min.
14.15 – 16.00 SECOND SESSION Chair: Dr. Enikő Sepsi
14.15 The Mission of IAPCHE International Association 45+15 min.
for Promoting Christian Higher Education
Mwenda Ntarangwi Executive Director of IAPCHE
15.15 The Lithuanian Christian University: Its Foundation and Twenty Years 30+15 min.
Marlene Wall President LCC International University
16.00 COFFEE BREAK 30 min.
16.30 – 19.00 THIRD SESSION Chair: Prof. Dr. Gyula Bakacsi
16.30 The Sapientia University in Transylvania 30+15 min.
Emőd Farkas Office Director Sapientia Foundation
17.15 Partium University in Transylvania 30+15 min.
Levente Székedi Vice-dean of Partium Christian University, Faculty of Human and Social Studies
18.00 Reflections on Transylvanian Christian Universities 20+10 min.
Prof. Dr. Gyula Bakacsi Associate Professor Faculty of Business Administration Corvinus University of Budapest
19.00 – 21.00 CONFERENCE DINNER 60 min.
Welcome to the

9.00 – 10.15 FOURTH SESSION Chair: Prof. Dr. Péter Balla
9.00 Pázmány Péter Catholic University: Its Foundation and Twenty Years 30+15 min.
Prof. Dr. Mihály Kránitz Professor, Head of Department (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
9.45 Károli Gáspár University: Its Foundation 20+10 min.
Dr. Attila Kálmán Former secretary of State
10.15 The Faculty of Theology of KRE 20+10 min.
(Curriculum Development and Human Resources)
Dr. József Zsengellér Dean of the Faculty of Theology KRE, Hungary
10.45 COFFEE BREAK 15 min.
11.00 – 13.00 FIFTH SESSION Chair: Marlene Wall
11.00 The Faculty of Law of KRE 20+10 min.
(Curriculum Development and Human Resources)
Dr. Péter Antalóczy Dean of the Faculty of Law KRE, Hungary
11.30 The Faculty of Humanities 20+10 min.
(Curriculum Development and Human Resources) Dr. Enikő Sepsi Dean of the Faculty of Humanities KRE, Hungary
12.00 The Theological Models of a Christian University 20+10 min.
(Community of Faith and a Community of Knowledge)
Prof. Dr. Tibor Fabiny Director of the Institute of English Studies, Hermeneutical Research Centre, KRE, Hungary
12.30 LUNCH offered 60 min.

14.00 – 16.10 FIRST SESSION Chair: Dr. József Zsengellér
14.00 Church and Education in Religious Education Schools 40+10 min.
Gottfried Adam Professor of church pedagogy University of Vienna
14.50 National Identity and Confession in the Old Testament 30+10 min.
Dr. István Karasszon Professor, Director of the Old Testament Institute KRE, Hungary
5.30 Confession and Nation in the Writings of Paul 30+10 min.
Dr. Viktor Kókai Nagy Adjunct, New Testament Institute Debrecen Reformed Church University
16.10 COFFEE BREAK 15 min.
16.25 – 19.00 SECOND SESSION
16.25 National and Congregational Identity in the Shadow of Dictatorship 30+10 min.
Réka Kiss Historian Researcher of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
17.05 Hungarian Statement of Confession 30+10 min.
András Csűrös Doctoral Student, church historian KRE, Hungary
18.00 Display of the books |Buda Béla: Empátia |Bagdy Emőke: Pszichofitness| 45+10 min.
Introduction: Dr. Enikő Sepsi Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Pszichofitness: Dr. Erika Nyitrai Head of Department, Assistant Professor and Prof. Dr. Emőke Bagdy Professor Emerita
Empátia: Dr. Piroska Komlósi Associate Professor and Dr. Zsuzsanna Mirnics Head of Department, Associate Professor
Conference event: 15-17th Oct. 2013
Opening ceremony: 15th Oct. 2013, 10:00
Place: Károli Gáspár University
of the Reformed Church in Hungary,
Faculty of Humanities, Celebration Hall
(1088 Budapest, Reviczky str. 4., 1st floor)

10.00 – 12.30 FIRST SESSION (Language: English) Chair: Dr. Károly Bozsonyi
10.00 “We are Calvinists” 30+15 min.
Risks and Opportunities for Protestantism in the 21st Century
Prof. Jan Peter Balkenende
10.45 Religiosity in America 20+10 min.
John Brouwer Visiting Professor of KRE, Hungary
11:15 COFFEE BREAK 15 min.
11.30 Religions in the Netherlands, from a protestant-catholic 20+10 min.
controversy to pluralism in a secular context
Harm G. Dane Policy Officer of the Protestant Church of the Netherlands
12:00 Focusing on recent trends of religiosity in Germany 20+10 min.
Hilke Rebenstorf
12.30 LUNCH offered 60 min.
14.00 – 17.15 SECOND SESSION (Language: Hungarian) Chair: Dr. Márton Csanády
14.00 Main trends of Hungarian Religiosity in European context 2013 20+10 min.
Dr. Márton Csanády Director of Research and Communication, University College Professor
14.30 Figures, Maps, Consequences: Spatial and Temporal Trends 20+10 min.
in Religiosity in the Light of Censuses from the Past Century
Dr. Károly Bozsonyi Vice Rector of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
and Lajos Bálint Social Researcher, Hungarian Central Statistical Office
15:00 Declining Religiosity among Hungarian Youth after the Turn 20+10 min.
of the Millennium: Main Trends and Possible Explanations
Ádám Hámori Sociologist, College Assistant lecturer at KRE; PhD student at Corvinus University of Budapest
and Gergely Rosta Sociologist, Research Fellow, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
15:30 COFFEE BREAK 15 min.
15:45 The Society of Minor Hungarian Settlements in the Light 20+10 min.
of the 2011 Census
Tamás Ragadics Assistant Lecturer, University of Pécs
16:15 Challenging Christian Identity in Central Europe 20+10 min.
Prof. Dr. András Máté-Tóth Professor and Head of Department, University of Szeged
16.45 Analysis of the 2011 Hungarian Census Results on Religiosity 20+10 min.
Gábor Dániel Nagy Senior Lecturer, University of Szeged